Thursday, May 17, 2012

Remember ALLAH!

Sometimes when you feel like talking, but no one to talk to...
  Remember, ALLAH is always listening...

Sometimes when you feel like sharing your difficulties, but no one to share with...
  Remember, ALLAH is always listening...

Sometimes when you feel like crying for help, but no one comes to aid...
  Remember, ALLAH is always there for you...

Sometimes when you feel like counting on someone, but in the end you got frustrated....
  Remember, ALLAH is the only one you can rely on...

No matter in what condition, only ALLAH will always be there for you...

Remember ALLAH, you'll always be HAPPY...
Remember ALLAH, you'll always be STRONG...
Remember ALLAH, you'll always be CALM...

Najdah MH
May 17, 2012 @ 11:30am


zaleha said...

Thanks Najdah. You really inspired me...

zaleha said...


Najdah Mohammed Hussain said...

Salam Zaleha,

Alhamdulillah.... thanx for reading (^^)


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