.: for the rest of my life, I'll be with you, I'll stay by your side, honest and true, till the end of my time, I'll be loving you :.
Last week we managed to held a reunion at our home on Sunday.... the theme was 'Potluck Durian' coz it's Durian season... yeay!
but only few could come.... kak Siti Norsiha and family, Samhan, and Tabarani and family.... they're all our friends from U.... we were very excited to meet them again after a long time.... but we didn't get the chance to capture the moment in our camera coz we were busy with our kids....
these are the only pictures I took.... my kids before the reunion and the dessert which I made a day before the reunion... hehe
Written on July 6, 4:15 pm
the next day, there was a coloring competition and Aisyah really loves to color....but again, she didn't win coz we got there late and she didn't get to finish her coloring....
I told her that it was OK not to win coz winning is not the most important thing when competing, but the enjoyment of participating in such event is more important....
Written on July 6, 2009 @ 4.00 pm