During the school break, I got the chance of going back to my old schools (both primary and secondary) to have a look at it. But sadly, I totally forgot about my first school....oh well....I only spent a year there anyway...nothing to remember about....
here are some pics....
This is my second primary school, where I spent 3 years - 1st Grade to 3rd Grade (1989-1991)
before, I spent a year at Sekolah Rendah Tengku Bariah (SRTB) - 1st Grade (1988)
Here is where we perform solat before going home
This is the new building (new classes)....didn't have the chance to step my foot there till now...
Where it's situated
Used to be known as Muassasah Darus Salam
In the midst of the city of Kuala Terengganu....this is where I spent 2-3 months...end of 1997...I took it as a transit...hahaha
before, I spent 6 years studying at Ma'ahad Darul Quran, Rusila (Form 1 - Form 6) from 1992-mid 1997...I was 11 when I entered the school
This is where I took my SMU (1998) and SPM (1999) exams...I was 18...huhu...a year late than was supposed to...
My education background is a bit complicated...huhu...but still, that's what makes me so different than others...haha
After I got my SPM result, I furthered my studies at UiTM, Machang....
Written on June 14, 2009 (10:29am)
....as a memory to remember in the future....something to tell my kids when they grow up...